The Herold-Lambert Group helps people buy, sell and value
medium-sized and mid-market businesses in New England, ranging in size from $1 Million to $20 Million.
Businesses For Sale |
Due to the confidential nature of the businesses we represent, detailed information is not listed on our website. All prospective business buyers are required to submit a resume of their experience and a personal financial statement, as well as sign our Confidentiality and Warranty Agreement before any detailed information about the businesses we represent is released.
If you're serious about buying a business, please call our office at 603.890.6628 or contact Lou via e-mail at lou@herold-lambert.com.
Confidentiality is our business. We place our reputation on it.
We will be happy to discuss with you the business opportunities we have available.
The Herold-Lambert Group is proudly affiliated with Business Brokers Network, America's largest network of business brokers with more than 450 affiliates in 50 states, assisting business buyers and sellers nationwide.
When you're serious about buying the right business for your needs, call Lou Pereira at 603.890.6628 or contact us directly via e-mail.